Needs vs Wants, understand the difference.

In a society where self-gratification is abound and timing is everything, there is little understanding between want and need, so it is no wonder many of us are unhappy or lack fulfilment in our life.

One of the weakest excuses I hear these days for couples deciding to delay starting a family is that they can’t afford it right now. Well, the honest truth is that if you can’t afford it right now you never will. Something else of priority will always prevent that from happening. When in all honesty it is your choice whether or not to start a family….maybe you really don’t and that is your choice. Stand by your decision and people will respect it.

However, believing the excuse that you can’t afford to start a family based on finances to be true is not true. I grew up in a family of seven, with one wage earner and a slightly over minimum wage earner at that. I learned the difference between want and need because of it.

I learned that finances had nothing to do with happiness, fulfilment, contentment and love. I learned the difference between what I needed and what I wanted. I had everything I needed and learned how to be patient for the things I wanted. I learned the value of things and life. I learned how to wait. I learned to rely on God to know the difference. If my parents used the excuse that they couldn’t afford to start a family based on finances, most of my siblings wouldn’t likely be here today (I was the first, so I am assuming that I would still be here lol). I would have never had the love I had growing up in a still very tight loving family because I learned that life isn’t easy, there are no real short cuts and the difference between what I need and what I think I need (my wants).

As a pastor working in a marginalized neighbourhood I can tell you firsthand that the lack of money is not an excuse doing anything. I know many low income families that are totally happy and adjusted because they have learned to struggle together, to value each other, to lean on one another and the difference between what they want and what they need.

If you don’t want a family that’s your decision,,,,stick by it. If you honestly are waiting for the “right” time it will never come and you will have cheated yourself out of some amazing life experiences of sacrifices, struggles and triumphs. Wants and needs….know the difference.

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